Saturday, May 31, 2008

What Is A High Tech Human

Human beings have the amazing ability to consume data from the world through the five senses and then blend this information in the brain to organize the various sensory streams into a cohesive experience. 

These experiences can then be influenced by other factors such as: previous experiences, conflicting variables, deficiency, surplus, expectations, hunger or fatigue. The same sensory data can be interpreted differently by the same person at different times. 

So there is a continuum of seemingly illogical, surprising and / or counterintuitive perceptions that can exist on both extremes. The most wealthy can be the most selfish while those of meager means can live life with great grace, gratitude and generosity.

I find this variability in perceiving experience fascinating. It has perplexed and inspired me and it has taught me much. How can a billionaire be greedy? How do ordinary people do extraordinary things? How can that one night stand be so beautiful at night and not so attractive the next morning? You may say "Alcohol". Perhaps. But I think it is something deeper, like habitual misperception. 

I think it is our uncoordinated, imbalanced and underdeveloped sensing and processing capacity. We are like a powerful, high tech computer with faulty programming, outdated software, cookies and viruses. So, what to do? 

Zap the PRAM and reprogram. Kind of. The first step is realizing that reprogramming is needed. If we just stop and look at our lives, we can usually see what we need to work on. Whatever part of your life that is not working is usually a good starting place.

Then it can be helpful to detoxify the body and mind to create a neutral state and a receptive vehicle. Mental and emotional fasting can be good for this. Stop watching TV and reading the very dramatic news for awhile. After a few days your mind will not miss it. Try the Master Cleanse (click on title for info) to detoxify your body. Do a yoga or meditation retreat, take a vacation or simply change your living environment (clean your house and organize your closets). Ahhh, that's better.

Once a neutral state has been achieved, open yourself to solutions and ask for direction. A direction will appear and you will see it, if you pay attention. It may be exercise, diet or finding a channel for your creativity. So pay attention. It's your life. 

Lastly, digest what you have learned and incorporate it into your life. Take action and stick with it until it becomes a part of your life. Develop a practice and do it regularly. This will make the changes real.

Then, do it again and again. There will always be something to work on. This seems to be the process. It is the process of becoming like a child with an open heart and a curious mind. In this way we can evolve and reach our full potential. This is the wisdom of a child and the natural state of a High Tech Human. 

See you on the path.



Friday, May 30, 2008


There are many definitions of creativity, mostly having to do with the mental process of bringing new ideas into the world. Click on the title for this definition.

I believe it is much more than that. I see creativity as a natural part of the evolutionary process that brings deep satisfaction and healing. I also think that everyone is capable of it and that the more you practice the better you get at it. I believe it involves the whole being (rather than just the mind) and that having a new thought is just a small part of this process. I think that most people are unaware of their full creative potential, do not have the training to access their creativity and often lead unfulfilled lives because of this. I also know this can be easily remedied with a little information and a lot of practice. I think we are all channels for creative energy and that we all have special gifts to manifest. 

One way of seeing life is that everything is energy, either manifest or unmanifest. In new physics, this could be compared to the particle and the wave, manifestation or potential. Another helpful perspective is that Creation or God is infinite creativity or infinite energy. Humans are finite with a small bit of the infinite, the spirit, animating them. So we are all channels for this infinite creative energy while in our finite incarnations. It is our job, so to speak, to channel this infinite energy throughout our lives. This is a bit different than just having a new idea.

So how can we become better channels? I have found that by quieting the mind and emotions, we automatically clear this creative channel of psychic tension. Then by opening up to our natural gifts, we focus our creativity. By doing this regularly, we increase our creative power and find deep fulfillment in our lives.

The process of increasing our creative potential is really the process of spiritual growth. Infinite creativity is infinite potential or God (wave). The process of being creative is the process of making that creative potential tangible or manifest (particle). In the process of creativity, we are like transformers or channels of this infinite creative potential. Whether we create children, art or inventions, we are participating in our own evolutionary process.

We then cannot help but share this creativity because we are all connected. All of our creativity comes from the same pool of infinite energy and the spark of energy that animates us, our spirit, comes from this same infinite energy as well. A selfish billionaire is just a powerful creator that does not see the whole picture. As we all know, you can't take it with you. So you might as well share.

I am so excited about advances in technology because it is leveling the playing field and empowering everyone. We all have access to information and can easily publish and share our creativity. I am also excited about ancient technology that allows us to access our internal information super highway and connects us to the real Web or infinite cosmic creative energy.

High Tech Human is a blending of old technology and new technology. This blending = liberation.  We can see it in the spread of information, the connectivity of social networks, the advances in communication and the empowerment of people in all races, genders and socioeconomic levels. We are also seeing the fall of concentrated powers like the corporation, the Old Boys Club and Super Power Countries.

I love the act of creating. When we quiet the mind and open the heart, we can see the beauty in all things and we become powerful channels for creativity. It is our true reason for being incarnate and it can become quite addictive.

See you on the path.



Thursday, May 29, 2008

High Tech Being - Padmasambhava

I have often thought about this beautiful high tech machine called the "Human Being". It is such a perfect combination of hardware and software that allows us to create and participate in our Human Experience. Yet often, we barely scratch the surface of our deep and true potential.

Why is this? I believe it is because we are unaware of our true potential and that we have little or no training in the care, maintenance of the being and of the evolutionary possibilities we possess.

We can easily get training in academic areas, but we must rigorously seek out methods and training in proactive care of the body / mind, awareness of our true potential, accessing / increasing our creativity or leading a rich spiritual life.

Many people find themselves endlessly reacting to the symptoms of an unbalanced lifestyle. They are confused when they experience: dis-ease, a cluttered mind, unbalanced emotions or malaise. A common response to this disarrayed state is to treat symptoms with medication, self-medication or distraction (TV, food...).

Treating symptoms can keep one from feeling, but it it is still only addressing the symptom and not the cause. It can also make us numb and eventually it leads us back to other side effects and more problems. 

I think the discomfort we feel is actually good. It is the human being's way of telling us to do something or stop doing something. It is like a red light on a car's dashboard. We should not try to disconnect the light, we should find the cause and remedy it. It's just information telling us to change the oil, add water or fill the gas tank. Anxiety, malaise and depression are just warning lights telling us to take action. The discomfort is telling us to: pay attention, find a more fulfilling career or fill our hearts. 

This is where training comes in. There are many ancient techniques for creating balance that have been developed and tested over thousands of years. Yoga, breathwork and meditation can resolve most of these symptoms with no negatve side effects and an ever increasing upside of expanding potential.

Developing a practice is a way of deepening our understanding of the method and of ourselves. It is also a way of proactively insuring our health on all levels.

The process is mostly about listening, then embracing our symptoms and opening to solutions. When we ask deeply for solutions and pay attention, solutions will appear. 

I believe life never gives us anything we cannot handle, because it is really our deeper or higher aspects that attract all the situations we experience in our lives. Sedating our symptoms does not heal the cause (although it may be temporarily necessary) and it means we will just repeat our suffering. Taking responsibility for our symptoms empowers us to shun victim mentality and transform our problems into growth.

See you on the path.

