Sunday, June 15, 2008

Meditation, Physics, Electromagnetism, Super String Theory and Etherial Champagne

I love TED - Technology, Entertainment and Design. Google TED and you will find many wonderful videos to expand your mind.

I came across a video recently that made a deep connection for me. It seemed to bridge a gap between experience and perception or perhaps it explained in a new way, something that I do everyday.

I am a meditator. I have practiced and taught meditation for many years. The technique I practice clears the mind, opens the heart and builds / circulates energy. It incorporates the focus of the mind, breathing techniques and feeling gratitude in the heart. One side effect of this practice is the feeling of energy circulating throughout and beyond the body. On the most basic level, it feels like being caressed by millions of etherial champagne bubbles that vibrate and tingle as they move around and through my body. It is also accompanied by feelings of great peace, joy,  contentment and visual effects like these images.

When I saw the TED video by Brian Greene on Electromagnetism / String Theory, the connection to my daily meditation experience clicked. It seemed to describe what I feel and see when I meditate.

With meditation, the mind is quieted by focusing it below the navel. The heart is opened by feeling gratitude and electromagnetic energy (chi or prana) is built and circulated by using the breath, the energy system expands and then the champagne starts to flow. I think the 10 dimensional, electromagnetic, plasma crystal matrix we call the human body, is perfect for building and circulating energy.

I believe that unfurling and exercising our strings with meditation keeps us healthy on all levels, increases our creativity and allows us to evolve to our full potential. I am sure the ancient yogis knew this, but it was nice to make the connection between ancient and modern science.

I don't know if this is exactly what is happening, but it seems right and feels good. Click on the title to see the TED video. It rocks.

Anyhow, see you on the path,

