Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Loving Life - Creative People

I love what my life and my work has brought me. I have had the great opportunity to meet and work with so many wonderful people. I practice and I teach yoga / meditation and I do therapeutic bodywork (hands-on physical therapy). Click on the title to see my website.

I get great satisfaction by helping my clients resolve pain issues and increase their creative potential through my work. But I also enrich my life just by getting to know these people and in learning about their gifts.

I have also met many amazingly creative people through my meditation and yoga community. These are people that have devoted their lives to their spiritual growth, so they have let go of much of the common tension that gets in the way of the true self and relationships. They have opened up their channels of creativity and communication.

They teach me so much by sharing their lives with me. I see this as a great gift and I would like to share some of their stories with you in upcoming posts.



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